Other Scouting Info
Over Achievers
Amateur Radio Operator Rating Strip; meritbadgedotorg
All Levels
American Legion Junior Shooting Sports Award; legion.org/shooting/about
Check with sponsor for age groups
Antarctic Scout Award; boyscouttrail.com
(Medal and knot)
Meant for Eagle Scouts age 17.5-21 Program has been discontinued by the National Science Foundation
Boy Scout Conservation Good Turn Award; boyscouttrail.org
BSA Board Sailing Award; BSA Requirements Book; usssp.org; meritbadge.org
(Patch available through the Scout Shop)
S, SS, V, A, Var
BSA Family Award(s); Requirements and material available at the Scout Shop
(Patches available through the Scout Shop)
C, W
BSA Kayaking Award; BSA Requirements Book; usssp.org; meritbadge.org
(Patch available through the Scout Shop)
S, SS, V, A, Var
BSA Lifeguard; usssp.org; meritbadge.org
(Patches available through the Scout Shop)
S, SS, V, A, Var
BSA Stand Up Paddleboard Award; scouting.org/stand up paddleboard award
S, SS, V, Var, A
BSA S.C.U.B.A. Award; BSA Requirements Book; usssp.org; meritbadge.org
(Patches available through the Scout Shop)
S, SS, V, A, Var
BSA Snorkeling Award; BSA Requirements Book; usssp.org; meritbadge.org
(Patches available through the Scout Shop)
S, SS, V, A, Var
BSA Veterans Award; tac-bsa.org/Resources_files/veteran_award_apppdf
Conservation Good Turn Award; boyscouttrail.com
(Patches available through the Scout Shop)
C, W
Crime Prevention Award*; usssp.org
(Patch & Certificate may be available through the Scout Shop)
All Levels
Cub Scout Academics and Sports Program (Belt Loops and Pins); meritbadge.org; usssp.org; Program materials/Manual available at the Scout Shop
(Belt Loops & Pins available through the Scout Shop)
C, W
Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award; usssp.org; meritbadge.org
(Patches available through the Scout Shop)
C (Available for each of the Cub Scout Ranks), W
Cub Scout Shooting Award: BSA Shooting Sports Manual pg. 90
Den Chief Service Award; usssp.org; meritbadge.org; BSA Requirements Book
S, V, Var
Donor Awareness Award*; Ask a local organ donation organization to talk with the Scouts (EX: Lifeline of Ohio)/ Scouts tell at least 2 people about organ, blood, tissue donation.
(Patches have been available through the Scout Shop)
All Levels
Emergency Preparedness Award; usssp.org; meritbadge.org
(Pin available through the Scout Shop)
All Levels
Fireman's Chit; BSA Handbook; BSA Requirements Book; usssp.org; meritbadge.org
(Patch & Card available through the Scout Shop)
Founder; boyscouttrail.com
All Levels
High Adventure Triple Crown Award; boyscouttrail.com
S, SS, V, Var, A
Historic Trails Award; BSA Requirements Book; usssp.org; meritbadge.org
(Patches available through the Scout Shop)
All Levels; May be earned multiple times
Hometown USA Award; meritbadge.com
(Patch available through the Scout Shop)
S, SS, V, Var
Hornaday Award(s); BSA Requirements Book; usssp.org; meritbadge.org
(Check with BSA National, www.souting.org, or Council Conservation Committee for recognitions)
All Levels
International Activity Badge; usssp.org
(Patches available through the Scout Shop)
All Levels
Replaced by International Spirit Award
International Spirit Award; scouting.org/awards
All Levels; Replaces the International Activity Badge & International Youth Exchange
International Youth Exchange Emblem; usssp.org
(Patch order information also on link)
S, SS, V, Var, A
Replaced by International Spirit Award
Internet Scout Patch; usssp.org
(Patch available at same website)
All Levels
Interpreters Strip; BSA Requirements Book; usssp.org; meritbadge.org
(Patches available through the Scout Shop)
All Levels
James M Stewart Good Citizenship Award; usssp.org; jimmy.org
(Patch & Medal available through website)
All Levels
Leave No Trace Awareness Award; BSA Requirements Book; usssp.org; meritbadge.com
(Patches available through the Scout Shop)
S, V, SS, Var, A
Long Cruise Award; Sea Scout Manual
(Patches available through the Scout Shop)
Mile Swim Award; usssp.org; BSA Requirements Book; meritbadge.org
(Patches available through the Scout Shop)
S, V, A, SS, Var
National Camping Award*; 100; 250; 500; 1000-Individual/Unit; boyscouttrail.org
(Patches may be available through the Scout Shop)
S, SS, V, A, Var
National Den Award; boyscouttrail.org
C, W
National Honor Patrol Award; meritbadge.org
(Patches available through the Scout Shop)
National Outdoor Achievement Award; boyscouttrail.org
National Outdoor Badges; boyscouttrail.org
National Outdoor Challenge Unit Award; boyscouttrai;.org
Boy Scout Troop Unit Award
National Summertime Pack Award/Unit Award; meritbadge.com
(Certificate and Unit Ribbon available through District Executive)
Cub Scout Packs
NOVA Awards; meritbadge.com
C; S; V; SS; Var
PALA Award; scouting.org
S, SS, V, Var
Paul Bunyan Award; usssp,org; BSA Requirements Book; meritbadge.com
(Patch available through the Scout Shop)
S, SS, V, Var
Physical Fitness Award*; usssp.org; meritbadge.org
(This has been discontinued. Check with local Scout Shop.)
All Levels
Pro-Archer Award: meritbadge.org
Cub Scouts
Pro-Marksmanship Award; meritbadge.org
Cub Scouts
Ready and Prepared Award/Unit; usssp.org; boyscouttrail.com
(Patch and Unit Ribbon available through the Scout shop)
S, SS, V, Var
Recruiter Strip; Recruit one youth to your Unit
(Patch available through the Scout Shop)
All Levels
Religious Emblems; praypub.org
(Knot and device available through the Scout Shop; Medals available through Religious Organizations)
All Levels
Note: Most adult awards must be bestowed or awarded; can not be earned
Scouting The Web Patch; scoutingtheweb.com
(Check website for patch order)
C, W
Scout Internet Patch; scoutinternetaward.com
(Check website for patch order)
C, S, A, V, SS, Var
Sea Badge Underway; scouting.org/awards
Adult Sea Scout Leaders
SEAL Training Award; Sea Scout Manual
(Pin received on successful completion of course)
The Congressional Award; congressionalaward.org
Ages 14 to 23
The President's Challenge Award; presidentschallenge.org
All Levels
Totin' Chip; BSA Requirement's Book
United States Heritage Award; usssp.org
(Patch & Medal available through same website)
All Levels
“W” Webelos Super Achiever Award; Earn ALL of the Webelos Activity Pins
(Patches are available through the Simon Kenton Scout Shop)
Venturing Shooting Sports Outstanding Achievement Award; scouting.org/awards
Whittling Chip; BSA Handbook; meritbadge.org; BSA Requirements Book
(Patch & Card available through the Scout Shop)
World Conservation Award; usssp.org; meritbadge.org; (Boy Scout Req's; BSA Requirement's Book)
S, C (Can be earned only once as a Cub Scout, no req's listed for Tigers)
Young American Award; usssp.org
(Check website for program and recognition acquisition)
V, SS (Ages 19-25)
Young Patriotism Award(s); youthpatriotism.org
(Heritage; Freedom; Citizenship; Service) Four different opportunities
All levels
50 Miler Award; BSA Requirements Book; usssp.org; meritbadge.com
(Patches available through the Scout Shop)
May be earned multiple times
All Levels
100 Mile Hiking Award; eteamz.com/tecumseh100milehiker
May be earned multiple time
All Levels
Awards were listed in alphabetical order.
Legend: C= Cub Scout; W= Webelos; S= Boy Scouts; SS= Sea Scouts V= Venturer; Var= Varsity Scouts; A=Adults
BSA Requirement's Book
Scout Program Manual's (Boy Scout Handbook, Cub Rank Books, Sea Scout Manual, etc.)
This has been meant to be a comprehensive list, although there are several awards/recognitions that were intentionally left out. EX: “Spirit of the Eagle Award” this award is given posthumously, and I didn't think it was appropriate to list.
I also didn't include most of the “Knot” recognition program. This has been covered under another project. I didn't include most of the training awards, (Wood Badge, Sea Badge, Powder Horn, etc.), again, covered elsewhere. Rank awards were not covered, again, covered elsewhere.
Awards that had time limits that would expire in short order were also not listed.
Although I listed the resources where I found information, these are certainly not the only resources available. Some recognition’s are local and I endeavored to include resources to acquire requirements and recognitions.
If you have information on additional awards/recognitions for youth or adults, especially those unique to your Council, please forward the information to:
Tom Ross
I am always on the prowl for any opportunity I can bring for Scouts and Scouters with whom I come in contact.
Have fun earning all of these!
Please share them with your Scouts and those Scouter's you meet along the way.
Disclaimers, Several of these Awards are not necessarily recognized by BSA. Check with your DE in regards to wearing some of the recognitions. There are some uniform Nazi's out there. Our Scouts don't need to be exposed.